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Axis Solutions

2024-06-13 04:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

On the other hand, the FPS division aims to deliver high-end IT Solutions, Business Solutions and advanced Professional Services for the Financial Institutions, National Financial Switches, and Customers from other industries, which optimizes Axis Customers’ business success, meets their demands and produces bottom-line results while meeting their Financial and Payment business requirements.

FPS division’s innovative Solutions & Services are powered by in-house highly skilled team of Professionals & Engineers, with track record & continues development in the banking, financial, electronic transactions processing & payment technologies from internationally known vendors; and by the support of its leading & trustful Partners.

The company's versatile services include but not limited to installation, configuration, maintenance, customer services, project management, quality management & technical support; such as for Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) & Self-service Solutions & Payment Systems.

FPS supply, install and maintain Customer self service solutions that are based on the most advanced, user-friendly ATM terminals, which are a result more than three decades of Diebold’s customer experience and engineering innovation.






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